Hear From People Who Have Read HappyConsciousGal's
"HCG Holistic Series"
GREAT BOOK - it was just what I needed to help me put things into perspective...freed me from a life of judgement and diets Amazon Review by Alana Hintz, April 5 2013 "This book will help anyone who is or has gone through the HCG Protocol at least once and has continued to struggle with keeping the weight off. I have lost quite a few pounds with HCG and was thrilled with the HCG results, and truly thought I was determined to keep it off. But pounds slowly started to come back. This book does an amazing job of describing the exact mind set I was in and why I was allowing this to happen after all that effort to lose it. The author explains it perfectly; it was as if she read my journaling. What I found the most helpful was her clearly explaining what most of us go through physically, emotionally and mentally to lose weight and then what to do about it, that was the most essential piece for me. This book was just what I needed to help me put things into perspective. Also it greatly improved my relationship with food and eating. It has freed me from a life of dieting and judgement of myself that I was ready to let go. I hope anyone who reads it benefits as much as I do. I am anxiously awaiting for the rest of the books as I want to read each and every one of them. Thank you HappyConsiousGal"
"How badly do I wish this book was available 2 years ago when I started my HCG Journey? It has taken 2 years because I have sabotaged myself repeatedly, especially at the end losing & gaining back those last 10 lbs. I read this book as soon as it came out & committed to completing every single process in the book. This book is a gift in my life & has inspired me to gift myself with the time to do all those processes & they have been invaluable! I am embarking on Round 7 of HCG & I know this will truly be my last round because I have shifted some major blocks I had against my own success in achieving my lowest ideal weight. This book inspired me, encouraged me, bolstered my confidence & self-esteem, & felt like the loving support of a close friend. I highly recommend this book to anyone considering HCG Protocol & anyone who is truly ready to shift self-defeating behavior especially in relation to food. I could have lost these 70 lbs much quicker if I'd have known how to do this goal & belief work first."
"I bought this book after doing 2 rounds of the HCG protocol and really
wish i had it before i started the protocol at all. It is full of great
tips, advice and ways to make your journey a creative and exciting
experience. I have already started implementing some tools suggested to
get myself ready for round 3. I was about to go straight into round 3
about 2 weeks ago, but after reading Mindset Magic, i decided to wait
and get my mind ready properly so my success is even greater. Happy
Conscious Gal covers a wide range of topics that come up during the time
you are doing the protocol and strategies to help combat any issues we
may have. I also like that she has written this book for everyone's
different ways of looking at life. We all learn differently, and this
book recognises that. A great read, full of handy tips and hints for
your greatest success in life....LOVING YOURSELF"
Great find...can't wait for the next book!!!
Amazon Review by healthyhippie31, January 12, 2013 I was excited to see a clear and concise book written about HCG. Not only about the protocol, but instead about the mindfulness that goes along with it. I wish I would have had this book prior to going on HCG has it has so much valuable information including some prework assignments to think about. The HCG protocol journey is like no other and to benefit the most, one should follow the techniques and thought process exercises discussed in Mindset Magic. I started reading as soon as I downloaded the book and was instantly drawn into it. Before I knew it I had read several chapters. Anyone preparing to do the HCG protocol or have done it and plan on doing another round should read through this book and go through the exercises. I am going to re-read it again in between rounds and go into my last round the most prepared that I've ever been. The author has made the information easy to understand and gives excellent examples of her own experiences throughout the protocol. I highly recommend this easy to read book. I finished it in a couple of nights! Worth every single penny and I'm looking forward to her next book...can't wait! |
Powerfully Positive!
Amazon Review by Jen Hoberer, January 9, 2013 "Read this before starting a round of the hcg diet and it will set you on the mental path to success! Very well written and highly motivational. It IS possible to lose the weight. I once swore off diets forever... but this isn't a diet. It's a protocol. And it works. I'm about to achieve 100 pounds lost! Never in my life have I had the pleasure of only having to maintain my weight but I am weeks away from hitting my ultimate goal. You could be too." |
Amazon Review by sarahmarie, January 5, 2013 "i loved this book! made great sense and was a very quick meaningful read. i would recommend this to anyone starting this diet." |
Change your mindset and you can change your life
Amazon Review by jcserendipity, December 7, 2012 "I bought and read the Mindset Magic! book in one sitting and I loved it! I am going out first thing tomorrow morning to buy a notebook and some fun pens, I can't wait to get started on all of the processes set out by Happy Conscious Gal in the book. I am preparing to do my third round at the end of December. I was quite successful on my first round but sputtered and limped my way through the second round having pesky problems with mindless/emotional eating. So, I have committed to taking my time to properly prepare for a successful third round and I just know that if I work through the processes in the book they will help me change my mindset. I would also like to add if you haven't seen Happy Conscious Gal on youtube you should check her videos out. Her positive outlook is very inspiring! I highly recommend this book and I can't wait for the other books in the series to become available." |